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Shenghang Group's 2023 Annual Performance Target Responsibility Statement Signing Ceremony Grandly Held
日期:2023年05月06日    来源:部门

In order to achieve the objectives of Shenghang Group’s safety operation and efficient management in 2023, to improve service quality, effective leadership and staff self-discipline, on the afternoon of May 6, 2023, Chairman Li Taoyuan and General Manager Li Guanghong signed the 2023 annual performance target responsibility statements with the company’s senior executives and all the department managers. All responsible persons promised to faithfully fulfill management responsibilities, complete work tasks with quality and quantity guaranteed, and strive to achieve various performance objectives of the company, in line with the purpose of being responsible to shareholders and employees of Shenghang Group.

The annual performance target responsibility statements' signing marks Shenghang Group's continuous progress towards precision in the management of employee performance evaluation. It has laid a solid foundation for unifying the thinking of employees, clarifying their working ideas, stimulating the team's working enthusiasm and responsibility, and successfully achieving the company's business objectives.


